Landlord Frequently Asked Questions

What Services Do You Offer?

we offer a variety of letting services to best suit your circumstances and needs. If you wish we can simply introduce a tenant to your property, or we can introduce the tenant and administer the rental payments but leave you to undertake the maintenance and management of the property. Alternatively we can provide a comprehensive introduction, rent administration and management service. We can also offer a Rental Warranty service.

How Long Will It Take To Find A Suitable Tenant?

It is almost impossible to answer this question, so many factors can affect this, including the season and market forces prevailing at the time your property is placed on the market.

We will make every effort to advertise the property extensively via a range of web portals, in our window display, on mailing lists and on social media platforms to generate maximum exposure and attract the best tenant as soon as possible. However, the more marketing time we have up our sleeve, the more selective we can be about choosing the best candidate for your property. This is not necessarily the first person who puts down a holding deposit, but the person we deem most suitable.

How Can I Be Sure That The Tenant Is Trustworthy?

Of course there is no way to be absolutely sure. However references are taken on all applicants by a third party referencing agency, they check their bank details, get an employer reference and previous landlord reference if applicable. In addition they will also check on different aspects of the applicant's history such as whether they have had a County Court Judgement against them, whether they are registered on the Voter's Roll at the address provided and any credit information of a detrimental nature.

References will also be taken on any guarantor, where this is recommended, who will stand for the tenant to guarantee the rental payments and general tenancy obligations.

We also require applicants to provide us with a valid passport and proof of their current address.

Will The Rent Be Exclusive Of Services And Council Tax?

In most cases, in addition to the rent agreed, during the period of the tenancy the tenant will be responsible for taking over the accounts and paying all bills for gas, electricity and water. The tenant will also be required to pay for the Council Tax applicable on the property and arrange insurance cover for their personal belongings.

The landlord will remain responsible for buildings and contents insurance premiums and maintenance of fixtures, fittings and appliances (save where this is required as a result of tenant negligence). In the case of a leasehold property, the landlord will also be responsible for ground rents, service charges and other relevant outgoings.

Do I Have To Insure The Property?

It is usual for most Tenancy Agreements to oblige the landlord to insure the contents of the property to their full value with a reputable insurance company for all risks covered by a normal householder's comprehensive policy. In particular it is important that the Public Liability element is included to cover any loss or injury occasioned at the property, which might be sustained by the tenant during the tenancy.

The landlord is also obliged to ensure that the building is adequately covered (this would be a requirement of any mortgage on the property), and if the property is leasehold, this is usually included in the service charges. The Tenancy Agreement also provides for the rent to be suspended while the property cannot be used following a fire or flood.

You should therefore make certain that all appropriate insurances are in place covering the full value of any loss during a tenancy, including loss of rent, as many household policies do not do so. As already stated, you should inform his insurers of the proposed letting as an additional premium may apply for rented properties.

There are also insurers who provide specialist Buildings and Contents policies for Landlords.

Will The Tenant Change The Telephone Number?

The tenant will be required to take over the telephone account and is responsible for the line rental and all accounts. They are advised not to have the line disconnected or to change the telephone number. When you return you may find the tenant's name listed in the telephone directory; unfortunately this cannot be avoided.

Will I Have To Pay The Television Licence?

Television sets are not normally provided in rented accommodation but the tenant is responsible for paying the licence fee for any television set in the property during the tenancy.

How Can I Be Sure That The Tenant Will Take Proper Care Of My Property?

Who occupies your property is equally important as the amount of rent you will receive. When you let your property through Blakestanley you can rest assured that we will make every reasonable endeavour to find a reliable tenant who will take care of your property.

In addition to the rent, the tenant will be required to lodge a Security Deposit to cover any damage or disrepair to the property not attributed to fair wear and tear. This deposit will be protected by the Deposit Protection Service.

Whether you are letting a furnished or unfurnished property, it is essential that a detailed Inventory of Contents and Schedule of Condition is prepared before the tenancy begins. A professional inventory is regarded as independent evidence even though it has been paid for by the landlord and there are professional independent inventory clerks trained to compile them for you. The inventory will be used by the inventory clerk to "check-in" and "check-out" the tenant at the beginning and end of the tenancy, and reports will be prepared from which it will be assessed whether any deductions should be made from the Security Deposit.

For added peace of mind, you could instruct us to manage the property on your behalf. Our Management Service includes 3 property visits per year, to check that the property is being well looked after, thereby avoiding any unpleasant surprises at the end of the tenancy. If we are not managing the property for you we recommend that you do the same, or we can do this for you at an additional cost.

What About My Garden. Will The Tenant Look After It?

One of the terms of the Tenancy Agreement will be for the tenant to be responsible for the seasonal maintenance and generally to keep the garden neat and tidy. However, not everyone is green-fingered, so if your garden is very important to you, you may consider employing the services of a gardener for your peace of mind.

What If The Tenant Stops Paying Their Rent?

Most tenancies proceed without any such problems. However if we are administering the rent on your behalf and a tenant fails to pay rent on time or we become aware of any other breach of the Tenancy Agreement, we will inform you. We will also contact the tenant to ascertain the reason for the late payment – it is often a simply rectified problem.

However if there is a serious problem where possession may need to be sought through the Courts, you will need to instruct solicitors to act for you and set the appropriate process into action. It is possible to take out rental warranty insurance to protect your rental payments should you require.

How Long Will The Tenancy Be For?

Generally properties are rented on an annual basis. In our experience twelve month contracts minimises the wear and tear and costs for the landlord – one inventory, Tenancy Agreement, Gas Safety Certificate and one set of tenants moving their possessions in and out in a twelve month period. We also find that twelve month contracts attract a better type of tenant who want to settle down.

If required and agreed between the parties a break clause (which allows either party to bring the Tenancy to an end before the Tenancy Agreement expiry date) may be inserted in the Tenancy Agreement. However, this is subject to negotiation. It is important to consider that if either party insists on a break clause in the contract, that it could be exercised at disadvantageous times of the year and bring the property out of its cycle (i.e. from peak lettings market in summer into a slower time of year like Christmas).

Once the tenancy has commenced the tenant has security of tenure for the fixed period, provided he is not in breach of the terms of the Tenancy Agreement. The rental amount cannot be changed during the fixed term period.

What Happens When The Tenancy Agreement Ends?

At the expiry of the agreed term of the tenancy, the tenant is required to leave and you can take possession of your property. In the case of an Assured Shorthold Tenancy the landlord is required to serve a minimum of two months notice to bring the tenancy to an end. If instructed under our Letting & Rent Administration or Fully Managed services, we will do this for you.

However, if you and the tenants are in agreement, the extension or renewal of the tenancy for a further term can be arranged.

What Are Your Fees?

Our full list of services and fees can be found here.

If you have anymore questions, please get in touch with us.


Broadway Market
020 7254 7554

Chatsworth Road
020 8986 2743